Annual Vegan Potluck and Celebration of Life
Hosted By Ziggy's Refuge!

Toby Day is a celebration of the life of Ziggy's Refuge's first turkey resident, Toby. Each year, 46 MILLION turkeys are killed for Thanksgiving alone. As you can probably guess, the odds are stacked pretty high against these beautiful, sentient animals.
We would never let Toby find himself in a situation where he could end up on someone's plate, but not all turkeys are so lucky- even if they deserve to be. Ziggy's Refuge recognizes this, and strives to make that scary number go down each year.
That is where Toby Day comes in. Not only is our animal ambassador spoiled beyond anyone's imagination on this day, he is also used for sponsorships to help raise funds to rescue more turkeys coming from lives nobody would be thankful for.

This year, Toby Day 2017 will be held on Friday, November 24th at 1pm. The location of this event is at 3913 Walters Mill Road, Providence NC, 27455. It is a very casual, laid back event (Toby likes to be the best dressed!), so there is no need to be fancy. If you do come, please bring a VEGAN dish, as this is a potluck!
You will be able to meet the Ziggy's Refuge team (Ziggy The Traveling Piggy, Toby the Turkey, Kristin Hartness, Jay Yontz, and Jordan Ayres) and try to beat them at a game of "cornhole"!
If you'd like to bring gifts for the animals, they love pumpkins to munch on and warm blankets to burrow in! All donations are very much appreciated.

No stress! Many people cannot make it to the actual event.
And good news, even if you can't you can still get involved. Here's how!
1) Sponsor Toby (details in next box)!
2) Sign up for monthly or a one time donation. Every penny that comes in is used to make Ziggy's Refuge heaven on earth for the animals who live here. We have a never ending list of bills that must be paid to keep everyone happy and healthy, so every little bit is appreciated.
3) Send in item donations! Soon, we will have an Amazon wishlist for our sanctuary, but until then you can keep your eyes open for posts on the Ziggy The Traveling Piggy and Ziggy's Refuge official Facebook pages! If you're interested but cannot seem to find what to donate, just contact us!
4) Spread some vegan love, and consider having a vegan Thanksgiving! Turkeys want to live just as much as we do.
Don't Worry!

Sponsor Toby!

Toby is our first OFFICIAL sponsor animal! For $30, you can sponsor Toby for Thanksgiving and show all of your friends that instead of eating a turkey this year- you're helping to save one! Your money will spoil him rotten and promote saving other animals like him.
Not only that, but you will get your name and a custom message posted permanently on our website under the FUNdraising tab, as well as a high resolution photo of Toby emailed directly to you! Your compassion will be remembered and honored by Ziggy's Refuge forever.
By clicking on the heart, you will be redirected to our PayPal. There will be an option to write a message! Just type in "Toby Sponsorship" and hit send! If you need help doing so, contact us!